Tuesday, May 25, 2010

piasa has come to pass

in his arduous journey from the comfort of the molten river flowing at earth's center, piasa ravaged tectonic plates, pummeled thru miles of earth's crust and boiled the freezing ocean waters to roam the roads of portland. 

piasa lived for centuries, contented by the heat generated by the earth's core.  perched on an island of iron ore, piasa basked in the flames that could destroy man's fragile flesh instantly. 

unabated by time, piasa kept a watchful eye on the decadent society above his humble home, waiting for the most opportune time to arise once again and challenge man, woman, and children alike.

who knows where piasa will turn up?

when will it be our time to accept his challenge?

what could happen to our world when he arrives?

all we have are crude drawings of what piasa could look like, but when you see him you will know your time has come.  always be wary and keep your eyes peeled for the piasa. 

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