Thursday, May 27, 2010

how to say piasa, as to not offend him

Piasa can be grouchy sometimes, as you can imagine. we all get a little grouchy when we are hungry, and piasa is always hungry.  hungry for pizza, tasty cheesy hot melty pizza.  he especially likes pizza from the teenage mutant ninja turtles.

thats the stuff mikey,  good cheesy stuff......mmmm.
but back to the point, to pronounce Piasa you must take in a deep breath and let out a growl, then shout PIE-EH-SZA!

the growl can be loud or quiet, piasa says its about understanding our hypocrisy.  


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

quite possibly the biggest pizza night ever

come to Piasa Presents _ Piasa Fundraiser.
Thursday June 10th Piasa will be hosting:

Karma Vision [lawrence, ks]
with a fresh newly realeased EP , Actor John Goodman

Otis Heat [portland, or]
your local face melting musicians

and of course Piasa and myself serving up hot pies and cold beers
proceeds go to completing Piasa, portland's first guerilla food cart.
raffle prizes from local shops and a silent auctions for a fully catered pizza night of your choosing, yoga sessions to name a few.

keep in touch with this blog for further news on prizes and other details about this epic evening.

Fest begins at 730, june 10th
9609 n lombard, portland or 97203

look forward to seeing you there.

piasa _ facebook

piasa can scorch the earth
piasa can sign on to facebook

piasa has come to pass

in his arduous journey from the comfort of the molten river flowing at earth's center, piasa ravaged tectonic plates, pummeled thru miles of earth's crust and boiled the freezing ocean waters to roam the roads of portland. 

piasa lived for centuries, contented by the heat generated by the earth's core.  perched on an island of iron ore, piasa basked in the flames that could destroy man's fragile flesh instantly. 

unabated by time, piasa kept a watchful eye on the decadent society above his humble home, waiting for the most opportune time to arise once again and challenge man, woman, and children alike.

who knows where piasa will turn up?

when will it be our time to accept his challenge?

what could happen to our world when he arrives?

all we have are crude drawings of what piasa could look like, but when you see him you will know your time has come.  always be wary and keep your eyes peeled for the piasa. 

piasa emerges from the rubble

In 1673, Father Jacques Marquette saw the painting on a limestone bluff overlooking the Mississippi River while exploring the area. He recorded the following description:
"While Skirting some rocks, which by Their height and length inspired awe, We saw upon one of them two painted monsters which at first made Us afraid, and upon Which the boldest savages dare not Long rest their eyes. They are as large As a calf; they have Horns on their heads Like those of a deer, a horrible look, red eyes, a beard Like a tiger's, a face somewhat like a man's, a body Covered with scales, and so Long A tail that it winds all around the Body, passing above the head and going back between the legs, ending in a Fish's tail. Green, red, and black are the three Colors composing the Picture. Moreover, these 2 monsters are so well painted that we cannot believe that any savage is their author; for good painters in France would find it difficult to reach that place Conveniently to paint them. Here is approximately The shape of these monsters, As we have faithfully Copied It."

_information & provided by wikipedia.